Advanced charts
To boost your data visualization, Power-user brings new charting capabilities to PowerPoint and Excel. With Power-user, you will have access to:
A Chart Library containing dozens of chart templates you can easily insert and customize
The ability to create new chart types: Waterfall charts, Mekko charts, Sankey charts and Tornado charts.
Charts Library
Browse the Chart Library and easily access 100 chart templates that will inspire you to create powerful visualizations, while saving you the time and complexity to re-create charts manually. Simply insert one of these charts and customize it with your own data and format.
Don't spend hours designing charts. Start with a template.
Charts adjust to your theme. No manual formatting!
Click "Edit data", paste your data and that's it!
Make powerful and unique charts that will stand out.
Create Gantt charts, dumbell charts, slope charts, panel charts, lollipop charts, bullet charts, people, waffle charts and a lot more.
Incorporate your organization's theme (colors, fonts, effects).
Add your own charts.
Customize everything: colors, fonts, labels, legend, title, etc.
People without Power-user can still edit the charts.
Don't chain yourself to a charting tool that locks you in.
New chart types
Create advanced chart types that would normally be impossible to create with just Excel or PowerPoint. These chart types can help you bring your visualizations to a new level and reveal the hidden messages in your data.
Massively used in consulting and finance, watefall charts decompose a value into multiple components, showing their relative weight and contribution to the total value.
Power-user lets you build waterfall charts with amazing flexibility:
Easily define totals to create waterfalls that can be ascending, descending or both,
Show only one series, or cumulate multiple series on the same chart,
You chart can even go below the axis,
You can easily customize the chart design, changing colors, borders, labels etc.
Power-user's waterfall charts will help you present your data in a visually impactful way. Some typical uses of a waterfall chart are:
Displaying all the financial aggregates contributing to a Profit & Loss Statement,
Running a gap analysis, explaining visually what factors impacted positively and negatively a specific metric (for instance: activity in year N explained by activity in year N-1, minus churn, plus client acquisitions).
With Power-user, editting or updating waterfall charts is very easy. Our charts are linked to your Excel data, and you can use the edition pane to quickly customize the design or refresh values.
Mekko (or Marimekko) charts may very well be the charts with the highest value for clients in some industries like consulting or finance. It can display the relative segmentation of markets, the relative positioning of different companies, or the decomposition of financial aggregates. Mekkos can show a tremendous lot of information on a single chart, and is a great support for deep analysis in a business meeting, for instance.
Look at the Mekko chart below. It shows that Product B 3 is the most sold globally, and Product E the least sold. But product D performs very well in France, while product A is the market leader in Germany. The more you look at a Mekko chart, the more you will deduct interesting information about different markets, niche segments, the strategies of companies and competitive positions.
Sankey charts are a very powerful tool for data visualization. Sankey charts are perfect to represent flows such as:
in international trade, the exportations between different countries,
in digital marketing, how different sources contribute to traffic on different websites,
in competitive analysis, to which competitors clients are going when they churn,
in public policies, the countries of origin and destination of migrations.
In the below example you can see the typical analysis of web traffic sources for different websites.
Tornado charts (also sometimes known as Butterfly charts) are the ideal tool if you need to compare 2 sets of data on multiple criteria.
A typical use is to visualize how 2 firms compare on various aspects, such as:
Number of employees
Debt ratio
Sales for each business line
The Tornado chart is similar to a columns chart, but instead of having the columns for each series side-by-side, one will be displayed on the left and one on the right.
With Power-user you can create a Tornado chart with 2 clicks and make your data comparison visually stand out.
Check this video to see how simple it is to build and edit these advanced charts that would simply be impossible to create in Excel or PowerPoint without Power-user.