Infographics are more useful than ever. With the primary aim to visualize often complex concepts in a simple and engaging way, let’s do a behind-the-scenes look at how to create back-end presentation using simple infographics. Whether you like it or not, today’s prospects and investors respond better to visual content than plain text alone. With the rise of different infographic tools, it has become much easier to create data reports people love to read. And for good reasons.
The trick is, however, to get people to understand, agree with and remember your presentation. The truth is that it can’t be achieved if your big data are not structured with logic. Say, if you’re going to present something that is complex, you have to make it clear. Distill.
To be more specific, our eyes tend to respond to simple geometric forms, such as circles, squares or rectangles. Just to make things clear, infographics serve the same way a photo does. Thus, it helps us easily digest information from a visual source. Yet, the process of distilling big data into a neat bar graph or diagram requires a deep understanding of these data. Well, your presentation can become a standalone piece of content thanks to infographics.
To save you tons of time and effort it’s a good way to use different templates which can help enhance the pitch you deliver. It’s safe to say that delivering information in a well-designed and easy-to-understand format such as templates or infographic elements makes you stand out and gives you a leg up.
So what are the main steps to be taken to create a data-backed presentation using simple infographics? If you want to succeed, then try something different. With infographics, turn visuals into an interesting and impactful pitch. This is where the good stuff lives.
Rooting Out Your Idea

Time and energy are precious for everyone. Before you jump into creating a presentation, you need to get your ideas straight. Dedicating some time to distill what’s important and what’s not is a way of bringing your mind to attention. This means you need to look at the bigger picture. And a few clean visuals can make a grand impact on your audience.
Tip n°1. Be clear on your objective
With a laser focus on what you want to accomplish in your presentation, you can cope with this job much greater. Your task is to determine the core message with the purpose to inform. So, keep it simple. When your key points are picked, break them down into subpoints.
Tip n°2. Define the type of presentation
Thus, when you know all the key points and main goals of your presentation, it’s time to decide what type of presentation this will be. This will help set parameters you can easily stick to. There’re different types of data reports, so find the necessary one.
Tip n°3. Know Your Target Audience
That’s simple, knowing your audience helps determine what type of information to include in your presentation. This means you can’t convince your non-technical audience to start using new email system by explaining how this email system was designed. The same here. You should stand in your audience’s shoes.
Remember that Simple is Powerful

Whether you like it or not, but human brain can only focus on one thing at a time. The brain cannot multitask. That’s why if you want to gain your point, do not overload your presentation with data-heavy slides. Create slides that reinforce your words. This can be done by using clean and unfussy slides.
Tip n°1. Fear not to use white space
Your goal is not to draw the attention of your viewers to the awesome design of your presentation, instead of the core message, you try to deliver. Enough negative space makes the eye travel to the object of attention with ease. So, do not go nuts with colors and formats. You can easily overwhelm your audience this way. Remember, it’s not about creating a piece of art, it’s about creating a great presentation.
Tip n°2. Visualize Your Data
Seeing is believing. Present less fluff, instead visualize your data wherever you can through diagrams, graphs or charts. So, if you can plainly state some of your data with a graph or chart, just go for it. Use this wonderful and effective communication form as a great way to tell an interesting and enticing story. Remember, people are visual just because their brains are.
Tip n°3. Make Your Presentation Readable
Be consistent. Fonts make or break your presentation’s readability. Keep one font. Thus, you add ambiance and personality to your pitch. When different font choices can clutter the age and confuse your audience. Moreover, avoid bright neon colors that can cause stress to the eyes when viewed your presentation.
Point Out Your Data

Well, it’s great when you know how to set up your storyline and find the way you make the infographic to flow from the one topic to the next. To help present your heavy-data to your audience, it makes sense to make both infographics and slides work together.
The goal is to prioritize our core ideas and simplify your message so that it makes your presentation addictive. So, take the complicated data and make it simple. Take the simple data and make it compelling.
Tip n°1. Identify the Data
Hopefully your infographics won’t be complex, otherwise use descriptions, labels or other visual guides to provide value to your audience. This works great when you need to represent some technical data or statistic to your non-technical audience. Anyway, do everything you can to make your infographics actionable.
Tip n°2. Design Visual Hierarchy
Remember, your audience should never be confused about where to look next. If designed properly, hierarchy gives you the power to help your audience look at one place, and then guide their eyes through a progression. Thus, a viewer begins his journey with the element of the highest rank and continues it to those with the lesser rank.
It’s safe to say, that without a hierarchy, a cluttered presentation can be overwhelmed for a viewer. As the result, people feel lost, and quickly lose interest and leave. The visual hierarchy is the key to process the core message you deliver for your audience. And that’s just because they know where to focus.
Tip n°3. Use Images
With the simple idea that images create immediate reactions, it makes sense to use images for your presentations. In fact, words take much longer. Images cause a faster and stronger reaction than words, so make sure you have enough room to add great images. Avoid text. Use image, not a thousand words. Differentiate your images. Good graphics are attention-grabbers. So, keep your audience awake, listening and engaged.
That’s It
Well, creating a great data-backed presentation using simple infographics isn’t difficult. Indeed, it takes some time, knowledge, practice and skill. However, believe us, awesome infographics are absolutely within your reach if you follow these tips. Make sure you’re following the logic. Thus, a carefully created presentation will captivate your audience and help you gain your point.