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40+ of the best add-ins, plugins and apps for Microsoft 365 PowerPoint, free or not

Updated: Feb 18

With around a billion users, PowerPoint is the most used presentation software in the world. While ppt presentations are an essential part of business, creating an impacting slide deck can take hours. To avoid boring presentations and maximize the impact on clients and managers, slides need to be focused on the visual effect they provide. Here are 40+ add-ins, plugins and apps that will help you increase your abilities with PowerPoint.

What is a PowerPoint add-in?

Add-ins are software that work as extensions to Microsoft Office. A PowerPoint add-in will integrate directly in PowerPoint and bring new custom features to the users.

Although there are many add-ins for PowerPoint we are referencing here 40 tools of them which are among the best add-ins and apps. They will make you more productive on Microsoft PowerPoint, giving you new abilities that will make a difference with your management or clients.

What are the best PowerPoint add-ins?

Let's be honest, Power-user is by far our favorite add-in, and it may have to do with the fact that we created it! Designed as an "all-in-one" tool for heavy users in consulting, marketing and finance, it includes 100+ features increasing both productivity and quality of PowerPoint presentations, as well as utilities to save time and effort on Excel:

  • A rich library of 850 beautiful PowerPoint templates

Power-user add-in l 500 beautiful templates for PowerPoint presentations
  • 350 editable maps

Power-user add-in for PowerPoint, Excel and Word l Data Maps to visualize geographical data
  • 7,000 vector icons and flags

Power-user add-in l Vector icons and flags for PowerPoint
  • 10+ million high-quality stock pictures, an AI-powered functionality to create custom pictures directly in PowerPoint, or the ability to incorporate your company's own pictures.

Power-user add-in l Pexels integration for millions of pictures in PowerPoint or Word
  • 100 advanced charts like Waterfall, Mekko, Sankey, Gauge, Tornado or Gantt charts

Power-user add-in for PowerPoint, Excel and Word l Advanced charts
  • An Agenda builder to create and update Table of content pages automatically

Power-user add-in l Agenda builder to create table of content pages in PowerPoint automatically
  • Excel-PowerPoint links to automate reports

  • ... powerful formatting tools to align titles, harmonize fonts or colors, clean a presentation, edit multiple charts, align or move shapes, change languages, etc.!

2. iSpring Suite - $770

iSpring Suite is a PowerPoint add-in that enables transforming presentations into online courses. It allows the enhancement of educational presentations with 14 types of quizzes, audio and video narration, and interactive role-plays, and can convert them into a range of online formats. The content made with the tool is compatible with 150+ learning management systems. iSpring Suite is available for PowerPoint versions 2007–2021 and is suitable for users with any level of tech proficiency.

PowerPoint add-in l iSpring Suite

3. Web Viewer - Free

Web Viewer lets you display https web pages in a presentation. Without leaving your slide show, you can refresh web pages on the slide in real time. It works on PowerPoint 2013 and later on PC, Mac, iPad and Online version.

PowerPoint add-in l Web Viewer

4. vMap - €115

Get a large choice of colorful and customizable vector maps for your presentations. Working with PowerPoint 2007 and later, this add-in provides maps countries, sates and counties as independent shapes which you can resize without loss of resolution. There are 200 country vector maps and 3000 USA country maps included, which an also be colored with data from an Excel file.

Nota bene: this is comparable to the Data Maps that are included in the Power-user add-in alongside other tools.

5. Participoll - $99

Participoll lets you interact with your audience by organizing polls using the Internet. There are no limitation on the number of participants and no clickers are needed to vote. Participoll runs on PowerPoint 2007, 2010, 2013, 2016, 2019 and 365 on PC and Mac.

PowerPoint add-in l Participoll

6. Modern Charts - $4.99/mo

If you frequently need to create presentations with many charts, for instance sales reports, you may find this plugin to be quite helpful. It allows you to create infographic charts by leveraging a chart library. The app works with PowerPoint and Excel 2013 or higher, on PC and Mac.

7. Inpres - From 0 to 15.5/mo

As the name suggest, Inpres is made to impress with presentations. This new add-in is designed to help professionals engage with their audience when presenting, through a number of interactive features: polls and surveys, audience feedback, file sharing, online infographics, etc. The add-in works with PowerPoint 2013, 2016 and 2019.

PowerPoint add-in l Inpres

As the name says, this add-on lets you build project timelines, or Gantt charts, into your PowerPoint slides. You can place tasks and milestones on a calendar, see their progress, allocate resources, show non-working days and so on. Project Timeline works with PowerPoint 2010, 2013, 2016 and 2019 on Windows, but non on Mac.

PowerPoint add-in l Project Timeline

9. Power Mockup - $59.99

With Power Mockup, you can insert user interface elements and create wireframes for prototypes of website, desktop or mobile applications. Elements work as shapes you can drag and drop from a library. Combine them to design your prototype and share it with PowerPoint, making it easier for everyone to contribute. Power Mockup works on PowerPoint 2007, 2010, 2013 and 2016 for Windows but is not available for Mac computers.

PowerPoint add-in l Power Mockup

Circlify helps you design 2D or 3D circle diagrams for your presentations. Diagrams are created as shapes and can be animated. Circlify is one of the few add-ins that work for Mac as well as PC.

PowerPoint add-in l Circlify

Working with PowerPoint, Excel, and Word, as well as JPEG or PDF files, NXPowerLite lets you compress files and optimize them for screen, print or mobile devices. It also automatically compresses your email attachment files, a feature that you can temporarily disable. NXPowerLite works on Windows but not on Mac iOS.

This add-in for Microsoft Office 365 lets you create Gantt charts and timelines into PowerPoint. While Office Timeline also exists in a free version, the Plus Edition provides the ability to drag and drop milestones on your timeline, change formatting options for dates or tasks, add connectors, show progress or duration of a task, etc. Data can be pasted from Excel into the wizard to make it faster to build your timeline. Office Timeline also exists as a free version and runs on PowerPoint 2007, 2010 or 2013 for Windows but does not support Mac.

PowerPoint add-in l Office Timeline Plus Edition

13. TeamSlide - 9.50€/mo

TeamSlide is a add in that enables downloading and uploading content from PowerPoint. It contains a search engine to find slides in decks, or also content such as charts or shapes. The tool is made to help teams work together and share content. It can be linked to a SharePoint. The add-in works with PowerPoint 2007, 2010, 2013, 2016 and 2019 on Windows XP or later for PC, but is not available for Mac. It also requires Internet Explorer 8 or later.

PowerPoint add-in l TeamSlide

14. SlideDynamic - $49

Ever experienced what a pain it can be to find a specific slide while you are presenting? The SlideDynamic add-on provides a button that will show the slide miniatures in slide show mode. You just need to place your mouse over the dedicated button and the menu will show up on your screen. You are free to decide which slides will appear in your menu and which slides won't. Also, the add-on allows you to do real-time keyword searches in your presentation while in slide show mode. SlideDynamic is for Windows computers only.

PowerPoint add-in l SlideDynamic

This is a set of tools to animate PowerPoint and wake up your audience. You can use the plugin to create transitions, flash animations, etc. It works for Windows computers only, not Mac.

16. ToDo List Pro - Free

This plugin lets you create to-do lists directly in PowerPoint presentations. It shows as a pane on the side that can be pretty handy to organize and keep track of the work that remains to be done on a presentation. ToDo List Pro is available with PowerPoint and Excel2013 and after on Windows as well as on Mac iOS.

PowerPoint add-in l ToDo

17. PowerTOC - $29.95

PowerTOC is an add-in that lets you create table of contents from your slides. You can select what slide you want to include or exclude from the table of content, and customize the formatting. PowerTOC runs on PowerPoint 2000 and later, from Windows 95 to Windows 7 but not on Mac.

PowerPoint add-in l PowerTOC

Nota Bene: you will find a comparable feature with the Summary feature from the Power-user add-in.

18. Pro Word Cloud - Free

This app for PowerPoint and Word will generate word cloud images in your presentation / document, a great tool to introduce a word into a conversation by showing the concepts related to it. The more frequent a word is, the more prominent it will be on the image. There are multiple size, fonts, layouts and colors you can use. Word cloud are based on your own text, and can be used and shared freely. Pro Word Cloud works on PowerPoint and Word 2013 and later for Windows, but is not supported on Mac.

PowerPoint add-in l Pro Word Cloud

19. Adobe Sign - Subscription needed

With this powerful add-in for PowerPoint and Word, you will be able to send documents for e-signature directly from within Office and track the signature status. It runs on Word and PowerPoint 2013, 2016 and 2019 on Windows, and is also available on Mac with Office 2016.

PowerPoint add-in l Adobe Sign

20. PPTools Resize - $39.95

PPTools is a Microsoft Most Valued Professional website providing multiple add-ins, but Resize is the most interesting. It lets you convert your PowerPoint decks from the standard 4:3 dimensions to widescreen 16:9 or 16:10, or the other way round. You can also choose custom dimensions. Text dans pictures will not be distorted, and the conversion is very fast. PPTools Resize runs on any 32 bits version of PowerPoint above 2000 for Windows.

21. HTML5Point - £131.39

HTML5Point converts a PowerPoint presentation to HTML5. You can then use your online presentation on iPad, iPhone and other devices. Animations, transitions and media contents will be preserved, conversion is fast and has the advantage to work perfectly on mobile devices. HTML5Point runs on any PowerPoint version for Windows later than 2002, but non on Mac iOS.

PowerPoint add-in l HTML5Point

22. Office Tabs - Free

This add-in provides an easy interface to switch between open windows of a Microsoft Office application. It creates a tab bar on your standard PowerPoint, Excel or Word window, listing all currently open documents of the same kind. Just click on a document's title to switch to it. You can also save all open documents in one click, instead of saving them separately. Office Tabs works on Office 365 and all versions of Office from 2003 to 2019, but does not work on Mac.

PowerPoint add-in l Office Tabs

Nota Bene: if you are already using the Power-user add-in, you will find an equivalent with the Tab Explorer feature that is included in the add-in.

This add-in lets you create in a few minutes a multi-level menu bars on the top of your slides, linking to the respective parts in your presentation. You can use it to jump from one slide to any another in just 1 or 2 clicks. That's a great advantage if you want to send a big PowerPoint proposal to a client for instance, and don't want to overwhelm him with dozens of slides he won't read. With ActivePresentation Designer, your client will be able to easily zoom on what matters to him. The add-in lets you choose among 40 templates of menu bars. ActivePresentation Designer runs on PowerPoint 2007, 2010 and 2013 on Windows, but not with iOS.

ActivePrez 2

24. Web Video Player - Free

This app lets you add Youtube or Vimeo videos to your PowerPoint slides as well as your Excel spreadsheets. You just need to paste the url of the video you want and that will bring life to your deck. Web Video Player is available on Excel for iPad, Excel 2013 Service Pack 1 or later, Excel Online, PowerPoint 2013 Service Pack 1 or later, PowerPoint Online. It also runs on Mac starting with Office 2016.

PowerPoint add-in l Web Video Player

This add-in lets you add closed captions to the video and audio files you include in your presentations. If you work with captioned video and audio files that already have Timed Text Markup (TTML) files associated with them, this add-in lets you import them directly into your presentation. If you don’t have a TTML file, you can add captions directly in your presentation. STAMP runs on PowerPoint 2010, 2013, 2016 and 2019 on Windows.

PowerPoint add-in l STAMP

26. PP timer - $17.99

This add-in for PowerPoint lets you insert a timer directly into your presentation. The timer can be started and stopped from your slide. The tool works with PowerPoint 2013 and 2016, on both PC and Mac.

PowerPoint add-in l PP Timer

27. G-tools - €59

G-tools brings multiple design tools to PowerPoint. Features include the possibility to take multiple shapes and set them to the same size or same position, stack them horizontally or vertically. G-tools also lets you add a shape to an existing group of shapes, without losing your animations. You can create a new color palette or a color wheel. G-tools works with PowerPoint 2007, 2010, 2013, 2016 and 2019 on PC. There is no Mac version.

28. Oomfo - Free

This add-in helps you create colorful charts for a presentation with wizard that will help you find the appropriate chart. You can connect it to data in multiple Excel file, and add specialized charts such as Pyramids and Marimekkos. Oomfo works on PowerPoint 2003 and later on Windows, but only with 32 bits versions.

PowerPoint add-in l Oomfo

This plugin creates a contact bar on your slide deck. This bar can contain your details, logo and links to your social media profiles. Use it to increase your number of followers every time you publish a presentation. You can choose between 3 different layouts. Advanced Contact Bar works on PowerPoint 2010 and 2013 for Windows only.

PowerPoint add-in l Advanced Contact Bar

30. Quick Animator - $14.95

This add-in aims at animating everything on your presentation decks. Pick up an animation or transition, and apply it to all your slides at once, all slide titles, or only one slide. On the contrary, you can use Quick Animator to remove any animation from your slide. The plugin works with PowerPoint versions 2007, 2010 and 2013 for Windows but is not available on Mac.

31. vIcons - $99

The vIcons add-in provides you with 600 insertable vector icons for your presentations. Icons can be searched by keywords or picked up in the library. Because icons are vectors and not bitmap, they can be scaled indefinitely without losing quality and can be edited like PowerPoint shapes. vIcons runs on PowerPoint, Excel and Word 2007, 2010 and 2013 for Windows but not on Mac.

PowerPoint add-in l vIcons

Nota Bene: you can similarly find 4,000 vector icons under the Power-user icons library. There are also fully editable and scalable like any shape.

Speech-over converts text to voice narration, adding sound to your presentations. Select a voice, type in your text or dictate it yourself. This plugin can be used to create e-learning courses or training material. It works with PowerPoint 2007, 2010 and 2013.

33. Slide Show Duo - $49.95

If you sometime need to show 2 slides at the same time, this add-in is made for you. You don't need to change how you create your deck, Slide Show Duo will just display 2 slides at a time. This add-in only works on 32-bits versions of Office 2003, 2007 and 2010. So it is not supported by the most recent versions of Office nor by Mac computers.

PowerPoint add-in l Slide Show Duo

34. Read my document - Free

This add-in will read your documents for you. Simply hit Play and Pause. It works with PowerPoint, Excel, Word and Project 2013 on PC, as well as the 2016 version on PC, Mac and Online.

PowerPoint add-in l Logobot

This plugin lets you add a digital clock that will show the current time in your PowerPoint presentations, but you can also set up timers and alarms to control the time spent on an activity or presentation. It can be really useful for trainings for instance. The tool works with PowerPoint 2007, 2010 and 2013 on Windows.

PowerPoint add-in l Tick Tock Clock

36. Flevy Tools - Free

Flevy Tools is an helpful diagram creator. You can insert shape diagrams in your presentation after customizing the number of elements you want. It is compatible with PowerPoint 2003 and later on PC and Mac.

PowerPoint add-in l Flevy Tools

37. Visualbee - $39.90

This add-in creates automatic design for presentations by inserting your draft into their templates and backgrounds, and adding to it animations and transitions. Visualbee is compatible with PowerPoint 2007 and 2013.

PowerPoint add-in l Visualbee

38. Power BI - Free

This is one of the most waited for add-ins for PowerPoint, and possibly a game-changer. Microsoft released in 2022 the ability to integrate dynamic Power BI reports directly into Powerpoint. This is definitely a must if your organization uses Power BI for reporting, as you will be able to keep the report up to date automatically and to analyze your data in live during your presentation thanks to the interactivity of the reports. This app works with version 2013 and above on PC, Mac and Online.

PowerPoint add-in | Plotly D3.js

39. Emoji Keyboard - Free

This app will help you easily find and insert emojis in your PowerPoint presentations, but also in Word or OneNote. You can search emojis with a search engine integrated in the pane. There are 1,300 emojis in the library. It will work on PowerPoint, Word and OneNote 2013 and later. Starting with version 2016, it also works on Mac and on the Online versions.

PowerPoint add-in l Emoji Keyboard

40. QR4Office - Free

This plugin will create a QR code for your slide that will open a pre-defined url of your choice. You can use it to make your presentation more interactive and have your audience use their smartphone to check a website or vote for a poll, for instance. QR4Office is available for versions of PowerPoint, Word and Excel later than 2013 on Windows as well as on Mac with version 2016.

PowerPoint add-in l QR4Office

41. ConceptDrop - Free

ConceptDrop gives you access to a network of professional graphic designers who will get your presentation ready in just 24h. ConceptDrop manages the quality control and introduces you to the professional designers. The plugin works with PowerPoint 2013 on Windows and on PowerPoint 2016 on PC, Mac and Online.

PowerPoint add-in l Slideflight

42. Template Chooser - €20.28/y

This PowerPoint add-in provides a cloud template management solution for organizations. Templates are stored online in a SharePoint. This add-in requires an Office 365 subscription and works with PowerPoint, Word and Excel.

PowerPoint add-in l Template Choser

Nota Bene: guess what? you can also create a shared templates library with the Power-user add-in.

43. ToDo List Pro - Free

Create and manage todo lists in PowerPoint presentations and Excel worksheets with this add-in. The list are saved with the document, and will still be there when you reopen it. The add-in works with PowerPoint and Excel 2013 and later on Windows, as well as on the 2016 Mac version.

PowerPoint add-in l Todo List Pro

44. Handy Calculator - Free

This add-in adds a calculator next to your PowerPoint, Excel or Word documents. It can be quite easy if you need to make simple calculations and use the results directly in your documents with the Select button. The add-in works with Office versions 2013 and later, as well as on the Mac 2016 version.

PowerPoint add-in l Handy Calculator

45. TOGlic Word Game - Free

If you work in education, you will find this is one of the very few apps for Powerpoint that is meant for children. With TOGlic, children can play by building words from letters and improving their knowledge of the language. The tool works with PowerPoint and OneNote 2013 and higher, including on Mac and Online.


As an essential part of the business life in this world, PowerPoint presentations need both time and effort. Professionals cannot indulge themselves to deliver and present lousy presentations that would damage both their reputation, brand and career. Let's hope these add-ins help save you some valuable time and let you focus on what really matters in a presentation: making a decisive impact.

If you are also interested in Excel add-ins, check our list of 75+ add-ins, plugins and apps for Microsoft Excel.

And if you are also interested in Word add-ins, check our list of 60+ add-ins, plugins and apps for Microsoft Word.

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